Saturday, July 11, 2009

A weed-pulling mood?

This might sound weird, but occasionally when I'm cleaning doggy doo I get the urge to yank out some weeds. Strange, right? I liken it to popping a nice zit. Have you ever had a zit that squirted the mirror when you popped it? I'd like to pretend I never have, but I have. It's really satisfying to get all that junk out. It's that same satisfaction when I pull out a weed and you can feel the root coming out of the ground. Ha ha, little weed!

Anyway, I was doing an initial clean this week at a yard that had a few weeds. It was one of those double-gloved-use-your-hands rock cleans, so I figured that as long as I was down at that level, I may as well pull a weed or two that gets in my way. Well, 1 or 2 turned into 10 or 15. Not much, just a few minutes worth. What can I say? I was in a weed-pulling mood. Here are a few before and after shots.

Howie was so happy! Actually Howie was happy before I cleaned, but I like to think that I lightened his mood a little. While you're saying hello to Howie, say hi to Little Doggy Doo Doo's other new doggy clients from this week!

Howie can't leave his person's side

Gracie & Nero waiting to be told they can eat

Peaches, Dusty, Cutie and Bud living the good life

Pecos and Rosco taking a break from being crazy

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